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Indoor Air Quality Assessment

There are growing concerns about the quality of air that we breath as so many of us spend most of our time in air-conditioned offices. The quality of air we breathe at work must be clean and fresh. It can’t be stressed enough how important it is for you as an employer to protect your employees.

A full ductwork clean can be very disruptive to a business as it involves removing lots of ceiling tiles and air diverters which can have a great effect on your business. By having a regular check on your system and filters can minimise bacteria and mould growing in the duct work.

Our full site survey includes:

We arrange to come to your business and do a complete system check, seeing if you have the required inspection panels, and that your fire dampers are working properly, and your VCDs are not damaged. We will then do a bacterial test checking for mould and bacteria in your system. This a major test in places like hospitals, clinics were there can be MRSA bacteria. We will give you a full and complete rundown of your system and problems, if any, then discuss with you how we can get your system up to COSHH regulations and health and safety.

This will be put in a full report for the client to read and keep for reference.


Our Clients

BAM Bloom CBRE Cleveland-Clinic-Logo-eds